Depending on the severity of dyslexia, in the first instance, many dyslexics would be drawn to the shape of words, rather than their names or meanings.(由于病症的影响,诵读困难症患者在看第一张图时只会关注每个单词的形状,而不是单词的意思。)
This little act of vandalism will in the first instance mean more business for some glazier .(至少围观者所作的第一个结论没错,这件小小的破坏行为,首先会给某家玻璃店带来生意。)
You, too, would eventually merge into THAT silence from which you emerged in the first instance.(你也是,最终会融入那个宁静,从你一开始诞生的地方。)
This problem seemed to be complex in the first instance, but it could be easily solved.(这个问题乍一看似乎很复杂,但其实很容易解决。)
By this method he expected to arrive at general laws, having, in the first instance, the lowest degree of generality.(凭这方法,他指望得到初步先具有最低级普遍性的一般法则。)
The children were chosen in the first instance because they already liked drawing and they were already intrinsically motivated to draw.(第一中情境下的孩子们,因为他们已经喜爱作画了,所以他们已经被内在的动力驱动着去绘画了。)
Other journalists may well see an angle or detail in the document that we were not aware of in the first instance.(其它的新闻记者可能从这些文件中看到我们先前并没有注意到的独特的视角和细节。)
It gives precedence to national courts, requiring States parties to use their own tribunals in the first instance.(本国法院有优先权,缔约国必须先利用本国法庭。)
It is vital to lodge your protests locally in the first instance. Report the cruelty to.(第一时间向当地相关部门报告也是非常重要的。)
That way, you can compare a column in the first instance of the table to the same column in the second instance, which allows you to compare the values in a column to each other.(这样,可将表的第一个实例中的列与第二个实例中的同一列相比较,这样可相互比较列中的值。)
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